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A week after you or a fellow striker has delivered the notice of strike to your Mayor or other elected representative, it’s time to sit down face-to-face with them to explain your intent. 


Schedule a meeting with this elected official. If they are unresponsive or unwilling to schedule a meeting simply progress to the next actions. 


In your meeting, you can start out by asking if they have read the official notice you left them and if they are ready to sign the New Declaration of Independence. If they are, progress to scheduling a signing ceremony.


If they are not, consider showing them the official American Liberation Movement video and then use this script to guide the remainder of your interaction, or print it out and read it to them verbatim:   


“I have come to let you know that you have been selected as a target of our strike to end the Republican and Democrat parties. 


This means that I will be striking against your party affiliation and work against your re-election until you have met our demands to sign the New Declaration of Independence, formally renouncing your existing party affiliation and denouncing the legitimacy of both parties by affirming their systemic corruption, collusion and wake of carnage. 


While this may appear like a personal attack, it is not. Our goal is to terminate the Rebulican and Democrat parties. Your existing affiliation with the two-party system gives it power.  We intend to take that power away. 


All you need to do to liberate yourself from our strike is to sign the New Declaration of Independence in a formal signing ceremony. At that moment we will celebrate you as a hero of the movement. 


I want to let you know what you can expect if you decline to sign.  

  • I will begin organizing live demonstrations outside of your office / city hall with signs indicating your complicity with the corruption, collusion and carnage of the two-party system. You are guilty by association and I intend to make that extremely clear. 

  • I may organize demonstrations outside of your home for increased discomfort, inconvenience and impact. 

  • I will be building a coalition of local leaders and groups from all different sectors, inviting them to sign the New Declaration of Independence and join the strike targeted against your affiliation to progress the mission of ending the two-party system.  

  • I will periodically reach out to discuss the progress of the strike and your intent or willingness to sign. 

  • I will be vocal on social media to bring this conversation to your constituents online. 

  • I will actively call for alternative candidates who are independent from the two-party system to run in the next election as alternatives to you.  


You would be wrong to think that your continued affiliation with your existing party would support your re-election. In fact, that choice will guarantee your political obsolescence. 


The majority of Americans are done with both parties and you have a choice to stand with the majority, or continue clinging to those entrenched with power who are soon to be dismantled. The two-party system is a sinking boat and this is our invitation to you to escape and enter into a post two-party era of America. 


Again, this is not personal. By refusing to meet our demands, you are choosing for this targeted strike against you to continue. The moment you sign, with real intent, the strike will be lifted. 


We are creating a historical record of each representative and when they chose to side with the people. Each week that goes by that you refuse to align with the people, you will be showing all the generations to come, your complicity with the two-party system. 


For the sake of your political career and personal dignity, we encourage you to sign early.


Are you ready to sign now?”


Your job in interacting with your representative is to ask them directly if they are ready to sign yet. You are looking for a clear yes or no. If NO, the strike continues. If YES, schedule a Signing Party.  


That’s it. Other than that, you want to minimize conversation to ensure that the core proposition is not diluted by other exchanges. 


You are a political force and your goal is to get your target to say YES to your demand for them to sign.  


- We

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